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> Wu, J. G., & Lee, S. M. (2026). The Metaverse and Language Education. Cambridge University Press.

[Edited volumes]

> Hao, T., Wu, J. G., Luo, X., Sun, Y., Mu, Y., Ge, S., & Xie, W. (Eds.). (2025). Learning technologies and systems. Springer.

> Teng, F., Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Wu, J. G. (Eds.). (2025). Theory and practice in vocabulary research in digital environments. Routledge.

> Miller, L., & Wu, J .G. (Eds.). (2021). Language learning with technology: Perspectives from Asia. Springer.

#See a book review of this book in Applied Linguistics.


Journal articles

  1. Wu, J. G., Miller, L., & Zhang, D. (2025). Beware and swear: EFL learners’ perceptions and experiences regarding swearing in English. RELC Journal. (SSCI, Q1)

  2. Wu, J. G., Miller, L., & Teng, F. (2025). Engagement and incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition in digital gaming: A qualitative perspective of an “in-denial gaming addict” from Hong Kong. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. (SSCI, Q2)

  3. Wu, J. G., Zhang, D., & Lee, S. M. (2025). Digital gameplay and AR/VR-empowered language learning. IJCALLT. (ESCI & Scopus, Q1)

  4. Zhang, D., Wu, J. G., Fu, Z. (2025). From shy to fly: Facilitating EFL learners’ willingness to communicate with an AI chatbot and an intelligent tutoring system. System. (SSCI, Q1)

  5. Xiong, Z., Wu, J. G., & Lee, K. W. (2025). Research trends and hotspots of digital game-based vocabulary learning (2008-2023). IJCALLT. (ESCI & Scopus, Q1)

  6. Wu, J. G., & Zhang, D. (2024). Chasing butterflies? Experiences and challenges of being and becoming a TELL researcher against the digital applied linguistic context. Digital Applied Linguistics.

  7. Lee, S. M., & Wu, J. G. (2024). Preparing teachers for the future: Microteaching in the immersive VR environment. ReCALL. (SSCI & AHCI, Q1). download

  8. Zhang, D., Wu, J. G., & Fu, Z. (2024). Improving pre-service English teachers’ home-country cultural knowledge and English language knowledge of home-country culture in a PBL classroom. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. (SSCI, Q1) download

  9. Wu, J. G.,  Yang Z., Wu, S., & Zou, D. (2024). Unveiling the synergy of peer feedback and the Metaverse. Computers & Education: X Reality, 4,  100056. download

  10. Yang, Z., Wu, J. G.,* & Xie, H. (2024). Taming Frankenstein’s monster: Ethical considerations relating to generative artificial intelligence in education. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. (SSCI, Q3) download

  11. Lee, S. M., Yang, Z., & Wu, J. G.* (2024). Live, Play, and Learn: Language learner engagement in the immersive VR environment. Education and Information Technologies. (SSCI, Q1) download

  12. Wu, J. G., Zhang, D., & Lee, S. M. (2024). Into the brave new Metaverse: Envisaging future language teaching and learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 1744-53. (SSCI, SCI, & EI, Q1) download

  13. Peña-Rios, A., & Wu, J. G. (2023). Guest editorial: Metaverse and the future of education. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 16(6), 887 - 891. (SSCI, SCI, & EI, Q1) download

  14. Lee, S. M., & Wu, J. G. (2023). Teaching with immersive Virtual Reality: Perceptions of Korean trainee teachers. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 13(1), 1-14. (ESCI & Scopus, Q1) download

  15. Wu, J. G., Miller, L., Huang, Q., & Wang, M. (2023). Learning with immersive virtual reality: An exploratory study of Chinese college nursing students. RELC Journal, 54(3), 697-713. (SSCI, Q2) download

  16. Wu, J. G. (2023). Valentina Morgana and Agnes Kukulska-Hulme (eds): MOBILE ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING ACROSS EDUCATIONAL CONTEXTS. Routledge, 2021. Applied Linguistics. (SSCI, Q1) download

  17. Li, S., Wu, J. G., Bian, J., Ding, Z., & Sun, Y. (2023). Teacher digital identity in the pandemic era: A case study of a Chinese Spanish teacher. Sustainability, 1208. (SSCI, Q2) download

  18. Miller, L., Wu, J. G.*, Zhang, D., & Thomas, N. (2023). Into the uncharted territory of XR in second/foreign language education: Psychological contributors and barriers. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1215548. (SSCI, Q1) download

  19. Teng, M. F., & Wu, J. G.* (2023). An investigation of learners’ perceived progress during online education: Do self-efficacy belief, language learning motivation, metacognitive strategies matter? The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. (SSCI, Q1) download

  20. Zhang, D., & Wu, J. G.* (2023). Enhancing EFL Learners’ Native Cultural Awareness via Project-based Learning. TESL-EJ, 27(1),1-14. (Scopus, Q1) download

  21. Wu, J. G., & Liu, Y. (2023). TENG, Mark Feng. Language Learning Through Captioned Videos: Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition (New York and London: Routledge, 2020), 112 pp. ISBN 9780367209926. £46.99. RELC Journal, 54(3), 900-901. (SSCI, Q2) download

  22. Miller, L., & Wu, J. G. (2022). Teaching and teacher development in technology-enhanced language learning. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 4(3), 1-5. download

  23. Wu, J. G., Teng, F., & Miller, L. (2022). Challenges in a mobile telecollaborative project: towards a conceptual model. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 38(1), 1–19. (SSCI, Q1) download

  24. Thang, S. M., Gobel, P., & Wu, J. G. (2022). Special Issue of GLoCALL 2021 Conference Papers Technology Transforming Education: Issues, Contexts, and Environments. CALL-EJ, 23(4), 1-6. (Scopus, Q1) download

  25. Liu, Y., & Wu, J. G.* (2021). Review of Identity, Motivation, and Multilingual Education in Asian Contexts by Feng Teng and Lixun Wang. Bloomsbury, 2020. xiii + 182 pp. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 45(3), 398-400. (ESCI & Scopus, Q1) download

  26. Wu, J. G., & Miller, L. (2021). Raising native cultural awareness through WeChat: a case study with Chinese EFL students. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 34(4), 552-582. (SSCI, Q1) download

  27. Teng, F., Wang, C., & Wu, J. G.* (2021). Metacognitive strategies, language learning motivation, self-efficacy belief, and English achievement during remote learning: A structural equation modeling approach. RELC Journal. (SSCI, Q2)

  28. Teng, M. F., & Wu, J. G.* (2021). Tea or tears : online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Education for Teaching, 47(2), 290-292. (SSCI, Q1) download

  29. Wu, J. G., & Miller, L. (2020). Improving English learners’ speaking through mobile-assisted peer feedback. RELC Journal, 51(1), 168-178. (SSCI, Q2) download

  30. Wu, J. G. (2019). JINHYUN CHO, English language ideologies in Korea: Interpreting the past and present. Language in Society, 48(1), 166-167. (SSCI, Q1) download

  31. Wu, J. G. (2019). The Use of Mobile Devices in Language Learning: A Survey on Chinese University Learners’ Experiences. CALL-EJ, 20(3), 6-20. (Scopus, Q1) download

  32. Miller, L., & Wu, J. G. (2018). From structured to unstructured learning via a technology-mediated learning framework. EAI-Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning, 5(17), 1-9 download

  33. Wu, J. G. (2018). Antiplagiarism and L2 Students’ Online Writing. TESOL Journal, 9(2), 393-396. (ESCI & Scopus, Q1) download

  34. Wu, J. G. (2018). Mobile collaborative learning in a Chinese tertiary EFL context. TESL-EJ, 22(2), 1-15. (Scopus, Q1) download

  35. Wu, J. G. (2017). Teacher’s presence in a mobile community Teacher’s presence in synchronous mobile chats in a Chinese university. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 14(4), 778-783. (ESCI & Scopus, Q1) download


Book chapters

  1. Wu, S., & Wu, J. G. (2026). Qualitative Research on Information and Communication Technology. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (2nd edition). Wiley-Blackwell

  2. Wu, J. G., & Lee, S. M. (2025). Immersive literacy. In M. Pegrum., & A. Alm (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Palgrave. 

  3. Zhang, D., & Wu, J. G. (2025). Mobile augmented reality for language learning. In K.  Nozawa (Ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Palgrave. 

  4. Li, Y. Q., Chen, Y. T., & Wu. J. G. (2025). A qualitative interview study on the training needs analysis (TNA) of clinical thinking ability. Lecture notes in educational technology. Springer.

  5. Teng, M. F., Wu, J. G. (2024). Introduction to vocabulary learning in digital environments. In M. F. Teng, A. Kukulska-Hulme,  & J. G. Wu (Eds.)Vocabulary studies in digital environments: From research to practice. Routledge.

  6. Xiong, Z., Wu, J. G., & Zou, D. (2024). Mapping the digital game-based vocabulary learning landscape: A comprehensive bibliometric exploration. In M. F. Teng, A. Kukulska-Hulme,  & J. G. Wu (Eds.)Vocabulary studies in digital environments: From research to practice. Routledge.

  7. Wu, J. G., & Lee. K. W. (2024). Teach less, learn more: Empowering pre-service language teachers with technology-enhanced microteaching. In J. S. Lee, D. Zou, & M. Gu (Eds.), Technology and English Language Teaching in a Changing World: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Teacher Educators. Palgrave Macmillan.

  8. Miller, L., & Wu, J. G. (2022). Re-learning, Reacting, and Reflecting on sudden pedagogical adaptations. In Pun, J., Curle, S., & Yuksel, D. (Eds.), The use of technology in English medium education (pp. 145-158). Springer. download

  9. Wu, J. G., & Miller, L. (2021). From in-class to out-of-class learning: mobile assisted language learning. In L. Miller & J. G. Wu (Eds.), Language learning with technology: Perspectives from Asia (pp. 31-48). Springer. download

  10. Zhang, D., Wang, M., & Wu, J. G.* (2020). Design and Implementation of augmented reality for English language education. In V. Geroimenko (Eds.), Augmented reality in education: A new technology for teaching and learning (pp. 217-234). Springer. download


Conference proceedings

  1. Xian, J., Wu, J. G., Zhang, D., & Jiang, S. (2024, June). A Review of Artificial Intelligence in STEM Education from 2016 to 2023. The 28th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Chongqing, Southwest University, China.

  2. Xiong, Z., & Wu, J. G. (2024, June). Digital game-based learning: The impact on foreign language anxiety and vocabulary learning. In GCCCE 2024 Doctoral Student Forum Proceedings, 30-33.

  3. Wu, J. G., & Zhang, D. (2022, July). Learning Language and Culture via Non-immersive VR Games: A Case of The Forbidden City. In Song, Y., Chang, M., Hsu, T. C., Ogata, H., & Wen, Y. (Eds.). (2022). Proceedings of the 1st APSCE International Conference on Future Language Learning (ICFULL) 2022. New Territories, Hong Kong SAR: The Education University of Hong Kong. 

  4. Wu, J. G., Zhang, D., & Wang, M. (2022, June). Game-Based Virtual Reality for Languaculture Learning: An Example of the Forbidden City. 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network. Austria. 

  5. Zhang, D., & Wu, J. G. (2019, September). Learning Across Contexts: A Multiple Case Study of Mobile Dictionary in Chinese EFL learners’ Incidental and Intentional Vocabulary Learning. The 18th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, TU Delft, The Netherlands. (Best Paper Award) 

  6. Wu, J. G., & Zhang, D. (2019, September). 'Why did you suggest voice messages but never use it anyway?!': Obstacles of promoting English language speaking in a mobile instant messaging community. The 18th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, TU Delft, The Netherlands. 

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